Custom Website


Gwyneth ten Raa's website dynamically showcases her skiing prowess and competitive milestones through immersive design and motion.

Setting the Stage for a Champion

Our project with Gwyneth ten Raa, a distinguished young ski athlete, started with a deep dive into her athletic journey, from her early beginnings at the age of three to her remarkable performances on the international stage.

This 'Discovery & Strategy' phase was about capturing the essence of Gwyneth’s spirit and the breathtaking dynamism of skiing.

Our discussions revealed the need for a website that not only narrates her story but also visually mimics the exhilarating experience of skiing.

By understanding Gwyneth’s history and her connection to the sport, we aimed to create a digital platform that reflects her speed, agility, and the majesty of the alpine environments where she competes.

This phase ensures that our design would resonate well with fans and sponsors alike, presenting Gwyneth not just as an athlete, but as a rising icon in the skiing world.

Immersive Design Inspired by Alpine Vistas

In the 'Design & Wire framing' phase, we brought the concept of motion and landscape into the core of our design strategy.

The idea to incorporate a moving background with a parallax effect was inspired by the very essence of skiing—the fluid motion and the shifting perspectives as one descends down a mountain.

Our wireframes mapped out how users would experience the website, with the backdrop of a stunning widescreen mountain image that subtly shifts as you scroll, enhancing the feeling of gliding down snowy slopes.

This phase was crucial for ensuring that every element of the website was in harmony, from the dynamic backgrounds to the interface layout, providing a seamless and engaging user experience that mirrors Gwyneth’s journey and achievements in skiing.

Responsive and Engaging Website Development

With the design set, our development phase focused on executing the parallax scrolling and responsive transitions that would bring the alpine landscapes to life.

The website was crafted to ensure high performance across all devices, mirroring the agility and responsiveness Gwyneth shows on the slopes.

We implemented features that allow fans and sponsors to follow her career updates, browse her race results, and explore photo galleries with ease.

Upon launching Gwyneth’s website, we provided her team with the training needed to update content, ensuring the site remains as dynamic as her ongoing career.

The final product not only serves as a portal to her sporting life but also as an immersive experience that conveys the thrill and beauty of skiing, making it a standout online presence in the sports world.

Each phase of this project was designed to echo the energy and passion of Gwyneth ten Raa’s skiing career, ensuring that her digital presence is as compelling and inspirational as her performances on the snow.

By integrating innovative design with a deep understanding of the athlete’s story, we created a website that truly embodies the spirit of a champion.